
New observations of Pluto’s moons reveal a system in pandemonium, according to scientists with the New Horizons mission.

Source: Pandemonium! Motion of Pluto’s Moons Perplexes Scientists

11 thoughts on “Pandemonium! Motion of Pluto’s Moons Perplexes Scientists

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      1. any1mark66

        That all planets are truly unique is amazing. The moons are just icing on the cake. It’s hard to imagine but before Voyager I and II, the thought of active volcanoes on a moon would have been a foolish idea.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. any1mark66

        Yes they will be! When you dismiss things they have a way of coming back to prove themselves worthy. Pluto wears it heart on it sleeve, or rather equatorial region. I’m sure the other Kuiper belt or trans neptunian objects will have great features


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